Top 5 must try Chocolate Brands in Pakistan!

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Did you just get ditched by your friend? Or is your sweet tooth calling? Being a chocoholic, my heart can never have enough of chocolates. Hence, here are my all-time favourite must try chocolates, that you cannot resist.

Cadbury Dairy Milk

Isn’t this the world famous chocolate and, I ask why wouldn’t it be? The chocolate is known for its smooth, tempting and creamy look that calls you towards it.

In addition to its unforgettable taste, it goes easy on your pocket, so if you’re as broke as I am and is still undeniably addicted to chocolates, this acts like a hero to calm your sudden chocolate cravings. Available on almost every store in Pakistan, this is your to-go mood changer.

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If you haven’t yet tried Lindt, you aren’t t one of us; the sweet-toothed community. Nevertheless, it’s better late than never. Lindt is one of the most top notch, famous Belgian chocolate, known for its cultural background and delightful taste.

It comes with a wide range of variety, enough to satisfy your weird cravings. They have recently launched a spicy flavoured chocolate so go challenge yourself and explore newer tastes.

Picture by @lindt_polska


Do you love peanut butter? And what about chocolates? Now, imagine the both together.
An intense nutty flavoured peanut butter combined with your beloved chocolate!

Even though it might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but Reese’s just gives a different vibe! The buttery sensation from peanut butter and silkiness from chocolate is at least worth a try!


Is your mouth watering already? Wait, because the list isn’t completed! 


Have you eaten seashells? Doesn’t it astonish you to have chocolates carved so beautifully?  Guylian chocolate mesmerizes the eyes with its different shaped, glistening seashells, and I think, that’s what makes these unique!
With their on-point presentation, they haven’t held back on their taste! They have the bougiest flavours, some of which you may never have heard before; like
Matcha Green Tea, Latte Macchiato coffee, Crunchy Biscuit and Soft Caramel.

Picture by @guylianchocolates

Ferrero Rocher 

Obviously I wouldn’t forget all you hazelnut lovers out there! There’s this cute little roasted hazelnut, covered in wafers and wrapped around a thick yet delicious chocolate layer! Packaged into an inimitable golden wrapper to make your experience even more lavishing.

It’s perfect for the occasions of celebrations, easy to sneak around and hide from your friends, and doesn’t put a lot of pressure on your pocket.

Picture by @ferrerorocherit

Author: Inaya Nasir


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